

Northrim Bank announces new employees and promotions

Northrim Bank is proud to announce new hires and promotion of officers throughout the Bank. Northrim Chairman, President and CEO Joe Schierhorn is pleased to announce new hires and promotions of the following individuals:

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American Families Plan IRS Reporting Proposal

As part of the American Families Plan, Congress is considering requiring financial institutions to report detailed information on certain customer accounts to the IRS. At this time, this is just a proposal that has not yet been fully defined and is not included in current legislation. Local financial institutions are monitoring the proposal.

Mobile Banking App gets upgrade

Northrim’s Mobile Banking App will get a refreshed look in September. The appearance is slightly different, but functions remain the same. You can continue to enjoy all of the app's convenient features including:

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Focus on health and safety

Northrim is committed to protecting the well-being of our customers, employees and communities. We remain open and focused on your health and safety while continuing to serve your financial needs with our signature Superior Customer First Service.

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Regular hours and service resume for Wasilla Financial Center

Regular lobby and drive-up service has resumed at our Wasilla Financial Center. Lobby service is available 10 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday. Drive-up service is available 9 am - 6 pm Monday through Friday and 10 am - 2 pm Saturday.

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Sitka Financial Center resumes normal hours

Lobby and drive-up service have resumed normal hours at our Sitka Financial Center. The branch is open Monday-Friday with lobby and drive-up service available 10 am - 5 pm. Thank you for your understanding during our recent disruption in service. 

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Northrim June 23 letter to the Alaska Legislature

The letter published to the Governor and the Alaska Legislature by Northrim Bank on June 23, 2021 contains the following points:

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Facemask requirement lifted

The wearing of facemasks is optional for customers and employees at Northrim branches and facilities. This COVID-19 policy change is based upon steadily declining Coronavirus rates and increased vaccine administration.

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Northrim Bank is Alaska's leading PPP lender

Northrim Bank’s participation in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) assisted customers and the community during a very challenging time. The Bank was one of the first financial institutions in Alaska to offer PPP loans to non-customers as well as existing customers. Employees throughout the bank worked to create streamlined processes that leveraged existing technology and allowed the process to be handled in-house, by Northrim employees. More than two-thirds of the Bank’s employees worked on some aspect of the project. Over the past year, Northrim has produced 5,000 PPP loans, totaling $580 million, which accounts for approximately 30% of all PPP loans made in Alaska. 

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Northrim Bank announces new hires and promotion

Northrim Bank is proud to announce two new officers and a promotion. Jeffrey Sanford, VP - Loan Officer, Kodiak Loan Production Office, Asanya Lloyd, Assistant Branch Manager, Jewel Lake Branch, and Michelle Lozano Special Credits Associate Officer. Northrim Chairman, President and CEO Joe Schierhorn is pleased to announce the new members of the Northrim family. 

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